Sartoo – About Me

My name is Sartoo. I’m an experienced Tantric Therapist in East London. My approach is based on working with the body to support and facilitate greater well being and balance emerging from the inside. I work with sensitivity, intuition and a caring attitude.

I believe that these qualities with my attitude of accepting and honouring you as you are are important in creating the space for a natural unfolding to happen.

As a Tantric Therapist I bring to my sessions knowledge of working with sexual energy and skill in massage and therapeutic touch. Through touch we can connect with another person in a deep and profound way, reaching the other more fully than through words alone. Touch can often convey acceptance, warmth and caring in a fuller and deeper way than words. I believe that when we are met and touched with these kinds of qualities, we can let go and open and relax deeply.

This deeper space within us brings a possibility to experience and connect more with our core, authentic being. This can be a profound journey of discovery, healing and empowerment.

Much of my own journey of growth has been an unfolding, my being gently and naturally opening to express more of my inner essence and potential. Tantra and Tantric Massage offer a great possibility for this kind of journey. I trust our body and inner being to know best what is needed as a next step in our true essence and being unfolding. This can happen when the right kind of support and invitation is there. I invite you to a journey of exploration, empowerment and self realisation with me.

I’ve worked with massage and therapeutic touch since 2005. I first qualified in Classical/Holistic and Sports massage in Helsinki, Finland, in 2005. From there I’ve moved into a more intuitive way of working with the body. I lead a meditative lifestyle and am active on my own journey of personal growth. Tantra and Tantric Massage are an important part of this journey for me. I have been offering Tantric massage for several years. I’ve studied tantra and Tantric massage with various teachers in the UK and abroad.

My main trainings in Tantric Massage are a professional qualification with Tantraworld in the Czech Republic and a professional training in Tantric Massage with John Hawken, a pioneering teacher of Tantra and Tantric Massage in Europe. I am grateful to both trainings for the wealth of learning and growth they have facilitated for me, albeit some personal shortcomings of the teachers. I have also studied  Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage and find it a helpful complement to my Tantric massage.

If you would like to see a recent headshot of me, you can find one on my other website Satusholisticmassage.